Tuesday, November 07, 2006

You Decide 2006

Ok, let's all be real for a moment and lay down some assumed agreement among all rational thinking Christians. First, God is absolutely not a Republican, nor is He a Democrat. God is not right-wing, left-wing, or moderate. God is not for a party anymore than He is for a particular team to win any given sporting event, regardless of what psychotic fans may believe at times. But, let's also get a few more things straight. I firmly believe that the God of the Bible is: 1. Pro-Life, 2. Pro-Family, and 3. Pro-Marriage (meaning the traditional sense of the word). So, examine the parties and their basic fundamental policies and belief systems, make your judgment as to which one MOST lines up with Scripture, then go do your civic duty and vote.

Theodore Roosevelt once said the following:
There are, in the body politic, economic and social, many and grave evils, and there is urgent necessity for the sternest war upon them.
May we be found faithful to stand up for that which is right.


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